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Usage guide
Using Client-Side APIs

Using Client-Side APIs

The starter example uses the inMemoryPersistence (opens in a new tab) strategy to rely solely on server-side tokens, thus avoiding any consistency issues on client-side.

This approach is recommended, but causes a few issues user may run into:

  1. Stale tokens: In long-running client sessions, server-side tokens may no longer be valid, requiring user to refresh the page in order to get access to valid token. This may happen when user re-opens tab after 1 hour.
  2. Unauthenticated Firebase Client SDK environment: inMemoryPersistence will cause currentUser to be null, when trying to access it using client-side APIs (opens in a new tab), in most cases. This prevents us from using Firebase client-side SDKs.

next-firebase-auth-edge provides a number of features that solves aforementioned issues, as listed below:

Enable Refresh Token API endpoint in Auth Middleware

In long-running client-side sessions (e.g., if a user reopens a tab after 1 hour), the server-side token may be expired. This can cause access issues when using the token to validate external API calls or when using the customToken together with the signInWithCustomToken Firebase SDK function.

To fix this, authMiddleware can expose a special endpoint to refresh client-side tokens, if current server-side token has expired.

To enable the endpoint, define refreshTokenPath middleware option:

export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  return authMiddleware(request, {
    loginPath: "/api/login",
    logoutPath: "/api/logout",
    refreshTokenPath: "/api/refresh-token"
    // other options...
export const config = {
  // Make sure to include the path in `matcher`
  matcher: ["/api/login", "/api/logout", "/api/refresh-token", "/", "/((?!_next|favicon.ico|api|.*\\.).*)"],

Calling /api/refresh-token does two things:

  1. It checks if the current token is expired. If it is, it regenerates the token and updates the cookies by returning Set-Cookie header with fresh token.
  2. It resolves with JSON containing valid idToken and customToken


getValidIdToken works together with refresh token endpoint to provide latest, valid id token. It can be useful if you use token to authorize external API calls

It requires serverIdToken, which is the token returned by getTokens function inside server components

The function is designed to be fast and safe to use when called multiple times. Thus, the /api/refresh-token endpoint will only be called if the token has expired.

Example usage:

import {getValidIdToken} from 'next-firebase-auth-edge/lib/next/client';
export async function fetchSomethingFromExternalApi(serverIdToken: string) {
  const idToken = await getValidIdToken({
    refreshTokenUrl: '/api/refresh-token'
  return fetch("", {
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`,


getValidCustomToken works together with refresh token endpoint to provide latest, valid custom token. It can be useful if you use customToken together with Firebase's signInWithCustomToken (opens in a new tab) method

It requires serverCustomToken, which is the customToken returned by getTokens function inside server components

The function is designed to be fast and safe to use when called multiple times. Thus, the /api/refresh-token endpoint will only be called if the token has expired.

Example usage:

export async function signInWithServerCustomToken(
  serverCustomToken: string
) {
  const auth = getAuth(getFirebaseApp());
  const customToken = await getValidCustomToken({
    refreshTokenUrl: '/api/refresh-token'
  if (!customToken) {
    throw new Error('Invalid custom token');
  return signInWithCustomToken(auth, customToken);

Using Firebase Client SDKs

Firebase Client SDK exposes signInWithCustomToken (opens in a new tab) method that allows us to access current user using custom token.

Custom token can be obtained by calling getTokens function in server components

import {signInWithCustomToken} from 'firebase/auth';
import {getValidCustomToken} from 'next-firebase-auth-edge/lib/next/client';
import {doc, getDoc, getFirestore, updateDoc, setDoc} from 'firebase/firestore';
export async function doSomethingWithFirestoreClient(
  serverCustomToken: string
) {
  const auth = getAuth(getFirebaseApp());
  // See
  const customToken = await getValidCustomToken({
    refreshTokenUrl: '/api/refresh-token'
  if (!customToken) {
    throw new Error('Invalid custom token');
  const {user: firebaseUser} = await signInWithCustomToken(auth, customToken);
  // Use client-side firestore instance
  const db = getFirestore(getApp());