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Sign out with Server Action

Sign out with Server Action

removeServerCookies [v1.9.0]

The removeServerCookies method removes server cookies from the browser. This method works with Server Actions and Middleware. After logging out with Firebase in a Server Action, you can use this method to remove the auth cookies from the browser.

Prior to version 1.9.0, the removeServerCookies method was not available. Instead, you had to manually remove the cookies from the browser.

With multiple cookies enabled:

cookies.delete(authConfig.cookieName + ".id");
cookies.delete(authConfig.cookieName + ".refresh");
cookies.delete(authConfig.cookieName + ".sig");
// Optionally, if you enabled custom token:
cookies.delete(authConfig.cookieName + ".custom");

Without multiple cookies enabled:


Example logoutAction and LogoutPage

Below is a simple example of a logout page component that lets users sign out using a Server Action and the removeServerCookies method.

First, let’s define our Server Action:

'use server';
import {removeServerCookies} from "next-firebase-auth-edge/next/cookies";
import {signOut} from 'firebase/auth';
import {cookies} from 'next/headers';
import {redirect} from 'next/navigation';
import {getFirebaseAuth} from '@/app/auth/firebase';
import {authConfig} from '@/config/server-config';
export async function logoutAction() {
  await signOut(getFirebaseAuth());
  // Since Next.js 15, `headers` and `cookies` functions return a Promise, hence we precede the calls with `await`.
  removeServerCookies(await cookies(), { cookieName: authConfig.cookieName });

Next, create LogoutPage component that will call logout action:

interface LogoutPageProps {
  logoutAction: () => void;
export default function LogoutPage({logoutAction}: LogoutPageProps) {
    return (
            <form action={logoutAction}>
                <button type="submit">Sign out</button>