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App Check

App Check support

Library provides Firebase App Check (opens in a new tab) support. Follow starter example README (opens in a new tab) for more information on integrating your app with App Check.

In order to make next-firebase-auth-edge work with App Check, you need to send X-Firebase-AppCheck header with App Check token when making a call to /api/login endpoint, as in this example (opens in a new tab)

import { getToken } from "@firebase/app-check";
import { getAppCheck } from "../app-check";
const appCheckTokenResponse = await getToken(getAppCheck(), false);
await fetch("/api/login", {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
    "X-Firebase-AppCheck": appCheckTokenResponse.token,

Advanced usage

You can use getAppCheck from next-firebase-auth-edge/lib/app-check if you need to create or verify App Check token explicitly, as in provided example:

import { getAppCheck } from "next-firebase-auth-edge/lib/app-check";
// Optional in authenticated Google Cloud Run environment. Otherwise required.
const serviceAccount = {
  projectId: "firebase-project-id",
  privateKey: "firebase service account private key",
  clientEmail: "firebase service account client email",
// Optional. Specify if your project supports multi-tenancy
const tenantId = "You tenant id";
const { createToken, verifyToken } = getAppCheck({ serviceAccount, tenantId });
const appId = "your-app-id";
// Optional
const createTokenOptions = {
  ttlMillis: 3600 * 1000,
const token = await createToken(appId, createTokenOptions);
// Optional
const verifyTokenOptions = {
  currentDate: new Date(),
const response = await verifyToken(token, verifyTokenOptions);